Kid’s Ministries
We love kids! There are several ministries on Sundays, Wednesdays and throughout the year that are designed with children in mind. Every adult that works with your child has successfully completed a background check. We design all of our ministries to keep your child as safe as possible and show them the love that every child should feel.
Nursery is staffed on Sundays during Sunday School (9:30a) and Worship (10:40a). Babies and Toddlers are welcome to hangout with our staff during these times.
Sunday School begins at 9:30a. There is a class for every age group (including adults)!
AGAIN! We love kids and deisre families to come to church together.
Any “disturbance” caused by children is expected when children are welcome We aren’t kidding when we say we want your whole family to feel like YOU BELONG!
Children’s Church is for children pre-school through 5th grade. It begins right before Pastor Dan begins to preach. The adult(s) who are leading Children’s Church that morning will gather the children in the service who want to attend and take them downstairs until the service is over. Once the service upstairs is released your are encouraged to go downstairs immediately and gather your children.
Clubhouse for Kids meets on Wednesdays (September through the end of April), which means there are lots of opportunities for your children to learn, play, create and connect with friends. Clubhouse meets from 6:30p to 8:00p each Wednesday night. Each meeting consists of singing, a Bible lesson, crafts, games, snacks, an object lesson and other fun activities. Several times throughout the year we host a party that involves tons of crazy fun!
If your child is Pre-School age through 5th grade, they are welcome to attend.
FYI…The first time you bring your child, plan on filling out some information paperwork so that we know more about you and your child. Each evening you bring them you will also need to come in to sign them in and out.
VBS camp
July 7-11, 2025
VBS CAMP is a big deal! Each year we plan a week full of fun actitives. Every day your child will be learning something new about God, have interaction with new and familiar friends and enjoy lots of activities that are designed just for children.
Sign-ups begin several weeks in advance of camp. Your kids (Preschool to 5th grade) don’t want to miss this event. If you would like someone to contact you about your child attending VBS CAMP click on the button below and leave your information. Our director will call you back and make sure you have all of the information you need to participate.